• Person with high-functioning autism talking to a loved one at a cafe
    ABA Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health

    Signs of High-Functioning Autism

    Autism is a disorder that affects the way the brain […]

  • Group of people participating in a 12-step program for alcohol
    12-Step Program, Alcoholism, Recovery

    Do I Need 12-Step Program for Alcohol?

    While watching movies or television, especially during the past decade, […]

  • Man at work with a headache suffering from post-acute withdrawal syndrome
    Detox, Recovery, Withdrawal

    What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

    Recovery involves detoxing from drug and alcohol use, which may […]

  • Woman sitting on floor against a window struggling with depression and drug abuse
    Co-Occurring Disorders, Mental Health, Recovery

    Depression and Drug Abuse

    Recently, there has been an increase in awareness about the […]

  • Man sitting on floor in the dark struggling with the question how addictive is heroin
    Heroin Addiction Treatment, Opioid Use Disorder, Opioids

    How Addictive Is Heroin?

    Heroin addiction is a dangerous condition affecting millions in the […]

  • Person sitting in a corner wearing a hoodie and covering their face with their hands while experiencing symptoms of drug withdrawal
    Detox, Drug Rehab, Withdrawal

    Recognizing Symptoms of Drug Withdrawal

    Approximately 16.5 percent1 of Americans are affected annually by a […]

  • Person sharing their story with a group on national alcohol screening day
    Alcohol Detox, Alcohol Rehab, Alcoholism

    National Alcohol Screening Day

    Consumption of alcohol has become such a part of American […]

  • Person who has served in the military looking confident after learning more about the connection between veterans and substance abuse
    Addiction, Trauma Therapy, veteran's addiction treatment

    Treating Veterans with Substance Abuse

    When veterans come home from deployment, it should be a […]

  • Concerned woman struggling with hydrocodone abuse
    Opioid Use Disorder, Opioids, Recovery

    Dangers of Hydrocodone Abuse

    Thousands of people in the U.S. undergo surgery or sustain […]

  • Person looking out window contemplating trauma and mental health
    Anxiety Treatment, Mental Health, Trauma Therapy

    How Trauma Can Impact Your Mental Health

    Pain and stress are part of the human experience. People […]

  • Person in treatment receiving an answer to the question how long does alcohol withdrawal last
    Alcohol Detox, Alcohol Rehab, Withdrawal

    How Long Does Alcohol Withdrawal Last?

    When a person becomes dependent on alcohol, it can be […]

  • Person receiving medical care after learning about the connection between alcohol and the liver
    Alcohol Detox, Alcohol Rehab, Alcoholism

    Alcohol and the Liver

    The liver can process moderate amounts of beer, wine, or […]