Deciding to get the help you need is a big one. If you keep going through the struggle of using drugs and alcohol as you are, nothing will change. It’s time to get help. Fort Behavioral Health offers a women’s detox center designed to support your unique needs. Our women’s residential treatment program in Texas is capable of giving you the support and guidance you need to thrive again. Are you ready to make the change?
What Can a Women’s Detox Center Do for You?

Not everyone that needs a women’s residential treatment program in Texas needs detox. However, many women will find it to be exactly what they need to get clean. There is a wide range of opportunities available to help you through these challenges within our women’s detox center. We can help you achieve your best outcome by providing you with:
If you have used drugs for a long time or you are using highly addictive drugs, our women’s detox center may be the right choice for you. If you’ve tried to stop using on your own and have failed, detox will help you. If you have intense withdrawal symptoms and cravings, our drug and alcohol detox program can help you, as well.
What Happens in a Women’s Detox Center?
When you enroll in our women’s rehab program, we’ll determine if detox is the right option for you. For those with severe addiction, it may be critically important. If that is the right plan for you, you’ll then spend time working with our medical team and therapists to create a care plan for you.
Providing You with a Safe Detox Area
You’ll receive medications as needed in our women’s detox center to help you stop feeling withdrawal symptoms and cravings. During this process, you may still have some side effects from withdrawal. Since we have a medical team on hand to help you through a medically supervised detox program, you don’t have to worry about any negative outcome. Our goal is to provide you with a safe way to detox.
Therapy Starts Right Away
Detoxing is important, but your women’s residential treatment also needs to focus on providing you with the tools you need to overcome your addiction. That’s done through a series of therapies. The therapies we use for you may be different than other people. That’s okay because you should have care that works for your needs.
Our individual therapy sessions are opportunities for you to work with your therapist to improve your health. Here, we often used evidence-based therapies such as:
During group therapy, you’ll have the time to talk to other women facing the same challenges you are. In our women’s detox center, you’ll be with women only who are facing challenges like yours. This allows you to put your guard down and open up. It can also provide us with opportunities to tailor the care you receive to your needs. Group therapy sessions can help you to learn from other people’s experiences. It also helps to know you’re not on your own.
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Therapy Starts Right Away
Our women’s detox center is designed to provide you with the best opportunity to heal and overcome your addiction. Is it the right solution for you? We encourage you to learn more about our women’s residential treatment in Texas. It’s an opportunity for you to reclaim your future. To learn more, call Fort Behavioral Health at 855.965.4280 today.