When people fall into the cycle of substance abuse, addiction is often a coping mechanism to deal with mental health disorders or past traumatic events. Not only is this true for adults, but it is especially true for female teens and adolescents. The teen years are already a time of significant change and uncertainty, and addiction or mental health issues only make this life stage worse for some teens.

At Fort Behavioral Health, our female-only adolescent treatment program primarily focuses on mental health. Our dedicated team is committed to restoring young women’s self-esteem and self-confidence through therapy sessions and activities specifically designed for adolescents’ needs. If a teen in your life is having a tough time with mental health disorders and addiction, reach out to our Fort Behavioral Health team today

Adolescent Addiction Treatment Defined

At Fort Behavioral Health, our Evergreen Path program is specifically designed to help young women maintain recovery for years to come. Evergreen Path is a female-only trauma-informed program that addresses both mental health and substance use disorder needs. The key to our addiction treatment is our attachment-based and trauma-informed treatment modalities and environments that provide a holistic approach to healing and recovery. Also, this program gives our clients the chance to step away from their daily routines and immerse themselves in the recovery process. Our team will help young women address and then heal from the underlying causes of addiction, behaviors, and other symptoms. While thirty days in our program may not be enough time to remedy all of our clients’ issues, but it gives a chance to build a foundation for females to be successful in their homes and communities.

We help our clients achieve their treatment goals through weekly individualized therapy, weekly family therapy, daily therapy groups, daily recreational therapy, and more. These programs address the emotional and cognitive behaviors surrounding substance use and mental health disorders that young women face. Our team believes that CBT and DBT are the most effective therapeutic approaches, which are used to get our clients to participate in special topic groups designed around active engagement activities and unique challenges that females face. These therapy sessions are specifically designed to help our clients build skills such as:

  • Relationships
  • Emotion regulation
  • Coping skills
  • Recovery support systems

Our Groups

Our team believes that therapy groups form the foundation of genuine, long-lasting recovery for our clients. Therapy groups are designed to address both the emotional and cognitive behaviors surrounding substance use and mental health disorders in young women. Each group addresses a theme, which builds skills as each individual grows and advances in the program. We use cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and active engagement activities to work through the unique challenges that young women face. All groups are trauma-informed, evidence-based, and led by a licensed therapist.

Our groups include:

Family Groups

Clients and their families will grow together while learning healthy boundaries, including a session for families without their teens to learn more about how to support their children.

Daily Goals Group

This group includes breathing exercises, guided imagery, and reading of thoughtful passages to start the day, along with learning to hear and meet the needs of peers.

Mental Health Therapy Group

Our clients work in a group setting to increase tolerance to and expression of various emotional states.

Individual Work Time

This program gives time for assignments and treatment plan goal completion.

Evening Mindfulness Group

This group includes a daily wrap-up followed by intentional meditation through breathing exercises, guided imagery, or silent meditation.

Relapse Prevention Group

During these group sessions, clients learn to identify triggers and situations conducive to relapse and identifying alternate plans for unsafe situations to protect recovery and remain sober.

Community Activity Time

These activities include Game Night, Movie Night, park trip, bowling, team building, expressive therapy, art therapy, and others.

Community Group

This is a weekly meeting as a community of clients to assign chores, discuss important issues, and other group dynamics.

Process Group

This is a time to verbalize and hear from others how they are coping and what issues may be arising.

Substance Abuse Therapy Group

This group incorporates the 12-steps as well as other evidence-based curriculums surrounding teens and substance use.


Clients who are currently enrolled in school at the time of their admission will be allowed to continue their studies during their treatment stay.

Help Your Teen Heal with Adolescent Addiction Treatment at Fort Behavioral Health

As a parent or guardian, you want the best for your teenager, especially regarding their health and well-being. If your teen or young adult struggles with mental health issues and abuses drugs or alcohol to cope, hope and help are available. At Fort Behavioral Health, our female-only adolescent addiction treatment program focuses on healing, with therapy options to meet the needs of any teen in our care.

Our team firmly believes that addressing emotional or mental health issues is the first step in helping your teen feel like themselves again. Learn more about our programs and therapy options today by calling 855.965.4280 or completing our secure online form. Reach out today and find the care your teen needs and deserves.

Clinically reviewed by:

Tricia Martinez, LCSW, LCCA

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You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

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