What facts about teen substance abuse should you know? If you are a parent or perhaps an older teen thinking about your own needs, it’s important to remember one key fact. There is no better time than right now – today – to reach out for help if you think you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Even if you’re not sure, it’s best to act now. Our team at Fort Behavioral Health can provide you with substance abuse treatment programs and support, including our female-only adolescent treatment program.

Key Facts About Teen Substance Abuse You Should Know

Teen substance abuse facts like these can be hard to take in. That’s because most parents want to believe their daughter wouldn’t use it. Yet, there are many circumstances when even the best, most educated children can find themselves using. Let’s take a look at some facts about teen substance abuse that all parents should know.

What Types of Drugs Do Teens Use?

Teens have access to a wide range of drugs. There are no drugs you can rule out as inaccessible. Some of the most commonly abused substances by teens include:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Tobacco
  • Prescription stimulants like Adderall
  • Opioids, including prescription forms

By the time a student reaches 12th grade, about 2/3 of them will have tried alcohol. About half of the kids reported using marijuana in high school. Also, 2 in 10 students reported using prescription medications without having a prescription.

What Can Drug Use Do?

As you consider these teen substance abuse facts, it’s important also to consider their effects. These drugs can do severe harm to teens, such as:

  • It impacts growth and development.
  • Brain development can slow. Cognitive function decline can occur.
  • Heart health and high blood pressure are higher risks in early adulthood.
  • Sleep disorders can occur.
  • Students are more likely to engage in risky behaviors like reckless driving and unprotected sex

Why Do Teens Use Drugs?

Facts about teen substance abuse can be hard to take in as a parent. What is even harder to understand is why. You taught your child not to use and the dangers of doing so. You probably told them many times about the risks. Yet, they are still at risk. Some teens use drugs because they are bored. Others use them to enhance their ability to study harder to get good grades. Some use them to perform better in athletics. Others use them because their friends are doing so.

Some parents believe some drugs are safe to use. They think it is just “normal” for teens to drink or to vape. Yet, there is evidence to support teens who use drugs at a young age, even these types, to develop more complex addictions later in life and need a drug addiction treatment program.

What Should You Do?

Only you can decide what to do about these facts about teen substance abuse. Yet, there is help available. Even if you are unsure if your child has an addiction or is at risk of having one, the key is to reach out for help. It is important to start to develop strategies that can help your teen to get healthy and stay that way.  We can help with programs such as:

Invest in Your Child’s Future with Help from Fort Behavioral Health

Whether you are looking for help for yourself or your child, our team at Fort Behavioral Health can provide guidance and support. These facts about teen substance abuse can be very scary and overwhelming. Yet, they can provide you with the best insights into what to do next. We encourage you to reach out to our compassionate counselors today to find the help you need. Call our recovery center at 844.332.1807 to learn more about our female-only adolescent treatment program.


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You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

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