Alcohol addiction creates a number of challenges for those who drink, but it also creates challenges for unborn children of mothers who are using alcohol. Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of the most complex and devastating of those conditions. If you have an addiction to alcohol, you may not be able to stop drinking, even if you want to protect your child. That’s why it is important to find help for fetal alcohol syndrome in TX. Our team at Fort Behavioral Health can help you achieve these goals.

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition that impacts a person whose mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. The risk of developing this condition is higher in those who drink more often or heavily. When a woman drinks alcohol, some of the alcohol passes from the mother’s blood into the umbilical cord to the child. There is no known level of alcohol that is safe for a mother to drink during pregnancy. Any use can be detrimental.

What Are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders?

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or behavioral, physical, or emotional health complications. These conditions may not appear until after the child is born. There is no cure for them, so please seek help from a substance abuse treatment program. The severity of them ranges widely, as do the implications. Common complications from fetal alcohol syndrome include:

  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Poor memory and coordination
  • Speech and language delays
  • Intellectual disability or low IQ
  • Poor reasoning and judgment skills
  • Trouble with school, relationships, and responsibility
  • Sleep and sucking problems

In addition to these complications, children may also have abnormal facial features, a small head size, and low body weight. They may also display learning disabilities later in life. Some will have kidney, bone, or heart problems.

What Can Be Done If You’re Using Alcohol?

When it comes to getting help to avoid fetal alcohol syndrome TX residents can turn to an alcohol treatment program for support. Our team at Fort Behavioral Health can provide you with the resources and support you need to stop using alcohol.

Stopping alcohol consumption at any point is the first step in protecting against the onset of fetal alcohol syndrome. This may lessen the risks associated with this condition. It may not cure or stop previous damage from occurring. That’s why it is so important to get help.

Many women with an alcohol use disorder struggle to stop drinking, even if they want to and understand the risks to their unborn child. That is due to the dependence that develops from continued use. You may need treatment to break this dependency and to help stop alcohol from impacting your child’s future.

How Our Team Can Help You

When you come in to see our team about fetal alcohol syndrome in TX, we will provide you with a safe place to detox. We have a metal team on hand to help with any complications that arise. We can help you to safely detox so that you can stop the damage to your unborn child.

Our team also provides a supportive environment that you need to heal from addiction so that you have the best ability to provide a stable environment for your child. This includes providing counseling during detox such as:

You can get help for addiction. Stopping alcohol consumption now may help your child avoid the onset of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Get Help Immediately at Fort Behavioral Health

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition you may be able to minimize or avoid with the right type of help. Our team at Fort Behavioral Health can provide the support and guidance you need. Reach out to us to help your addiction by calling our compassionate counselors at 844.332.1807.


Get Help Today!

You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

Verify Your Insurance

If you’re covered by any major insurance provider, your treatment will most likely be covered. We guarantee to keep your personal details private.

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