Alcohol use disorder (AUD), also known as alcohol addiction, involves being unable to control drinking regardless of the consequences. However, recognizing alcohol addiction signs may inspire you to seek assistance at an alcohol detox in Fort Worth, Texas. Contact Fort Behavioral Health by calling 844.332.1807 to learn more about the signs of alcoholism, including:

Uncontrollable Urges to Drink

One of the top surefire alcohol addiction signs is trouble controlling the urge to grab a drink. It’s also a primary reason why it is so difficult to quit. You may have the desire to give up alcohol. But as soon as you see alcoholic beverages, pass a liquor store, or see someone drinking, you feel an overpowering urge to drink. Alcohol abuse causes changes in brain chemistry that are responsible for strong and uncontrollable alcohol cravings. The following treatment options can help you avoid these urges:

  • Residential treatment
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Treatment for co-occurring disorders

You Have a High Tolerance for Alcohol

If you need more and more alcohol to feel its effects, your tolerance is increasing. If you start depending on that feeling in order to feel good, this can lead to alcohol addiction. Instead of only drinking at social events, you may begin drinking first thing in the morning and continue throughout the day. You may even drink out of compulsion, binge drink, or black out. If you feel anxious or depressed without drinking, this is a warning sign. 

You Experience Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the common telltale alcohol addiction signs hard to miss is withdrawal. If you have developed a chemical dependence, withdrawal occurs if too much time passes since your last drink. When the body and mind are dependent on alcohol, you will experience symptoms of withdrawal if you stop drinking. Common withdrawal symptoms include headaches, anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and, in severe cases, seizures. At this point, it may seem easier to reach for alcohol to avoid severe or uncomfortable symptoms.

You Isolate Yourself

Losing interest in family, friends, hobbies in order to drink is another indication that you have devgeloped a drinking problem. You may also avoid socializing because you feel anxious, depressed, too intoxicated, or unwell due to alcohol withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, a person isolates themself because they feel guilty, ashamed, or don’t want to be criticized.

Drinking Negatively Impacts Your Life

Work, school, and relationships tend to be adversely affected for individuals battling addiction. You may notice a drop in work or academic performance. Personal relationships may struggle due to fights over money, your whereabouts, drinking habits, or changes in behavior. People addicted to alcohol may begin missing work or school or lose their job over drinking on the job, being drunk, or hungover.

Fort Behavioral Health in Texas Can Help

Alcoholism can happen to anyone and currently affects millions of American men, women, and adolescents. Recognizing the alcohol addiction signs can be the stepping stone to treatment. We can help you recover and live sober through our alcohol rehab programs primarily targeting men and adolescent boys. Our treatment modalities include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • 12-step program

Our master’s level clinicians and teams of experienced treatment specialists provide alcohol detox and addiction therapy on-site. Detox cleanses the body from all physical traces of alcohol to relieve physical dependence. Meanwhile, the therapy phase of treatment focuses on helping you understand why addiction happened and how to avoid relapse by managing cravings and other alcohol use triggers.

Alcohol Addiction Recovery is Possible

Alcoholism may leave you feeling hopeless. Treatment at Fort Behavioral Health can help you regain your sobriety and live a productive life. Our alcohol rehab is at a safe, private location where you can focus solely on recovery. Call 844.332.1807, or contact us online to talk to our admissions counselor.


Get Help Today!

You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

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If you’re covered by any major insurance provider, your treatment will most likely be covered. We guarantee to keep your personal details private.

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