Entering recovery can feel like a huge challenge, as it is a restructure of our whole lives. It involves not only giving up drugs and alcohol but to succeed in early recovery, we have to completely change how we live our lives, deal with stress and emotions, both good and bad, even how we spend our money. Things like friendships and family dynamics will change in many ways- sometimes positively, sometimes less so. Regardless, it is a chance for us to start fresh in so many ways.

In the beginning, things might seem very real. While we were using, there was a screen between us and the world, between us and our feelings. It was easier to hide from things, but now, we have to face things.

Making The Promise of Relief Come True

One of the harder parts of recovery is making amends. In our active addiction, many of us made mistakes. We hurt people. We hurt ourselves. Forgiveness starts with doing what we can to repair the damage we did. Not simply expressing remorse, making amends involves actively righting the wrongs we have committed.

When possible, direct amends are best. If we stole money, we have to repay it. We have to go to that person and own the mistake and the damage it caused to that person, to the relationship we have with that person and to anyone else involved. We need to explain that we understand what we did, what we are doing now (and why we are doing it) and then ask them what they need us to do to mend the wound. Do not get defensive. Do not explain unless asked. Be open. Let the person to whom you are making amends lead the way whenever possible. They may not want to accept our amends. The relationship may be broken beyond repair or beyond repair right now, and we have to accept that. Sometimes, all we can do is try.

Even if making direct amends is possible, we have to make lasting changes to the way we lead our lives. In our past, not only have we made mistakes, but we have apologized over and over, maybe sincerely, maybe not. Maybe we didn’t apologize at all- either way, people learned not to trust us. Now, in making amends, we have to rebuild that trust. To do that, we have to commit to changing not only what we do but how we do it and how we think.

Beginning the journey to sobriety starts with seeking help, with acknowledging that we have lost control. At Fort Worth Recovery, you can begin the journey to a healthier life. Call us at 817 382 2894 or contact us online today.


Get Help Today!

You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

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