Traumatic experiences come in many forms. Some are catastrophic and overtly traumatic. It is not necessary to understand the extent of personal trauma to seek help resolving it in a trauma therapy program. Understanding the nature of trauma is a crucial stepping stone on the path towards healing and living to the fullest potential.

At Fort Behavioral Health, our team specializes in identifying and healing the root traumas that lead to addiction, PTSD, and other trauma-related disorders. If you or someone you care about is ready to begin the process of identifying and healing unresolved trauma, reach out to our team today by calling 844.332.1807 or completing our online form to learn about our trauma therapy program. But, you may be wondering, what is a traumatic experience?

What Is a Traumatic Experience?

So, what is a traumatic experience? Understanding what a traumatic experience is can lead to identifying traumatic experiences that may otherwise go undetected. To heal from trauma, it’s crucial to recognize and acknowledge a traumatic experience.

Trauma often begins in childhood and gets mentally categorized as ordinary life happenings. For many, living with trauma is normalized from an early age. While the effects of childhood trauma are intense and damaging, it is possible to understand and heal from traumatic experiences. Additionally, not all trauma stems from childhood. Some encounter trauma suddenly as adolescents or in adulthood and are unequipped to effectively heal from these experiences.

Many people are taught to believe that they are victims or are powerless over their lived experiences. This is a false narrative that keeps folks captive to their circumstances even though a different option is within reach. Others might say that trauma only affects the weak or claim what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. True strength is being willing to see things for what they are and becoming accountable for making positive changes. One of the gifts of adulthood is the power to reflect on life experiences and the power to choose to break traumatic cycles rather than perpetuate them for generations to come.

Traumatic experiences come in all shapes and sizes and transpire across all aspects of living. What all traumatic experiences have in common, however, is that they are separate from the person who experiences them, and it is possible to heal.

Identifying a Traumatic Experience in Your Past

Whether it begins in childhood or comes barreling in at middle age, traumatic experiences can seriously affect a person’s life. To identify a traumatic experience in your past, it’s important to take an objective view of events as much as possible. It is also vital to know that even if you can’t verbalize the particular trauma, it is worth investigating and working to heal from the effects.

Examples of traumatic experiences include:

  • Racism
  • Bullying
  • Witnessing abuse of a family member
  • Losing a parent or caregiver
  • Surviving and recovering from a severe illness or accident
  • Experiencing verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Experiencing childhood neglect
  • Having a family member incarcerated or deported
  • Experiencing homelessness, poverty, or hunger

If you identify a personal traumatic experience from this list, or if an experience reminds you of something else that you have experienced, know that these experiences do not define you. Also, know that help is available, and it is possible to heal from the adverse effects of traumatic experiences with guidance and support from experienced and compassionate professionals, such as the team at Fort Behavioral Health.

Find Healing for Traumatic Experiences at Fort Behavioral Health Today

At Fort Behavioral Health, our team provides a safe and supportive environment where people can begin the healing journey from traumatic experiences. Learn more about how we can help you or a loved one by completing our online form or calling 844.332.1807.


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You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

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