What is Medically Supervised Detox?
A personalized drug and alcohol detox program is the foundation for achieving meaningful and lasting sobriety. We provide medically supervised detox for clients continuing treatment at Thistle Hill and Trinity Vista, as well as those transitioning to other programs, or seeking detoxification on their own. Each room has a queen-sized bed, private bathroom, and is designed to allow for peace and quiet during the detoxification process. Experience the comfort and privacy of City View Medical Detox in Fort Worth, TX.
The first step in overcoming an addiction is admitting that there is an addiction problem. Next is to safely detox from the substances abused and allow the brain and body to recover. Detoxification from the following substances all require specialized medical expertise:
A comprehensive assessment is given within the first 24-48 hours of arrival. This assessment process includes:
- Complete History and Physical Assessment
- Biological/Psychological/Social Assessment
- Family Assessment
- Nursing Assessment
- Dietary Assessment
- Psychological Testing as Indicated
- Recreational Assessment
- Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory
Learn More About Our Medically Supervised Detox Program
If you or a loved one is ready to get help, call us today at (817)587-6940 to learn more about how we can help